Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Well, obviously you know what this post about from the title. I just wanna talk about my blogging experience. You can see I started my blog in 2010. At that time, I still don't know what to post. So, I just write what so ever in my mind. Yes I still doing it untill now. The different is now I'm more focus. As you know most of my posts are about beauty. Yes, now I can say I'm a beauty blogger.

Dari judulnya pasti kamu udah tahu kan posting ini tentang apa. Aku cuma mau sharing aja tentang pengalamanku selama nge-blog. Aku mulai nge-blog dari tahun 2010. Waktu itu aku masih bingung mau nulis tentang apa. Jadi, ya tulis aja apa yang ada di kepalaku. Sampai sekarang juga masih gitu sih. bedanya lebih fokus aja. Seperti yang kamu tahu aku banyak nulist tetang beauty. Sekarang aku bisa bilang kalau aku beauty blogger.

Now let's talk about WHY I blog? Honestly, I just wanna share my thoughts about things. I think blog is the perfect answer.

Nah sekarang kita bahas Kenapa sih aku nge-blog? Jujur aja sebenernya sih cuma mau share tentang pemikiranku aja. jadi menurutku blogging itu jawabannya!

(shopping at Brightspot Market)

Maybe some of you still curious WHAT my blog about. I blog about beauty mostly. I wrote what I like and my honest thoughts of course. Now, I started to write about my other hobby, like fashion & shopping too.

Mungkin beberapa dari kamu masih bingun tentang APA sih blog-ku ini. Aku banyak nulis tentang beauty. Aku tulis apa yang aku suka dan pendapat yang jujur tentunya. Sekarang akau juga nulis tentang fashion & shopping, soalnya itu juga hobiku.

(fashion design school)

Now WHO's my reader? At first my readers are just my close friends and my sister. Now I have some readers from other country, that's why I write my post in English. Even though my English is just so so. I realized most of my readers are Indonesian. that's why now I put Bahasa too, yay!

Nah SIAPA aja sih yang baca blog-ku? Pertamanya sih yang baca cuma temen-temen deket sama adikku aja. Trus sekarang banyak juga orang luar negeri yang baca soalnya kan aku nuli pake bahsa Inggris. Tapi karena sebagian besar pembaca dari Indonesia makanya sekarang aku juga nulis pakai Bahasa Indonesia, yay!

Ok, if you want to start blogging and wondering WHEN, I suggest you to start NOW! It's ok if you have some random post on it. It's your blog, it's like your life you do whatever you wanna do, right? I have some random posts too!

Ok kalau kamu udah mau mulai blogging tapi bingung KAPAN, aku saranin SEKARANG juga! Gapapa kok kalau pun kamu posting tentang random things. Aku juga pernah. Lagipula blog itu ibarat hidup kamu, kamu yang jalanin jadi suka-suka kamu, kan?

(company's outing)

Nowadays technology helps us a lot. As a blogger, I can blog WHEREver I want. Using a tab or smartphone, so much easier! Usually, I write many drafts and when I got the right time, I'll  finish then publish them.

Sekarang ini teknologi bantu kita banget lho. Sebagai blogger aku bisa ngeblog DIMANA aja. mau pakai tab or smartphone juga bisa! Biasanya aku nulis drafts dulu, terus pas ada waktu luang baru dirapiin dan si posting deh.

I have a lot of activities. I'm not just a beauty blogger. I'm a full time web designer, a fashion design student too! I have my family & some cute cats which I love so much! HOW I manage my time is the most important thing!! That's why I always make a list of things which I wanna share on my blog every week and I started to eat more fruits because sometimes on the weekends my activities are more hectic than weekdays :(

Karena aku punya banyak aktifitas jadinya mengatur waktu itu paling penting! GIMANA caranya? Kalau aku selalu bikin list apa aja yang akan aku tulis selama 1 minggu. Aku juga banyak makan buah sekarang biar lebih sehat, soalnya kadang weekend lebih padat jadwal kegiatannya dari pada hari biasa :(

Beside that, I bought a camera too! because I like seeing nice picture on some inspiring blogs, like Xiaxue and Tricia. I've always took a picture using a cellphone and spent a lot of times editing with photoshop. Now after I bought a new camera, I don't have to spend a lot of time in front of my desktop to edit the pictures, yay! Anyway, if you want to I'll make a post about my camera, just leave a comment below :)

Selain itu juga aku beli kamera baru. Soalnya aku suka liat foto yang bagus seperti di blog Xiaxue dan Tricia. Dulu aku cuma pake HP aja jadi harus edit lama di photoshop. Sekarang setelah beli kamera baru jadi hemat waktu edit foto. Kalau kamu mau postingan spesial tentang kameraku, tinggal komen aja ya :)

(B Blog's writing competition)

I support you guys if you wanna start blogging and if you've already have a blog please give me the url, I would like to visit yours. Anyway, now there is B Blog. What's is it? It's like a managent for bloggers. They have a system which can help us to meet a client. They also sometimes held a competition! See, you can even get awesome prizes if you have a blog :) I'll join the competition, you should too!

Aku dukung banget kamu yang mau nge-blog, gak usah takut! Kalau kamu udah punya blog, sharing ya di komen, aku juga mau mampir ke blog kamu. Nah, sekarang ada yang namanya B Blog. Apa sih B Blog itu? Ini semacam menejemen gitu untuk blogger, mereka punya sistem yang mempermudah kita ketemu partner. Mereka juga sering ngadain kompetisi lho! Kamu juga bisa dapat hadiah yang keren kalo punya blog :) Aku berpartisipasi dalam B Blog’s, I A.M a Blogger lho, kamu juga mesti ikut ya!


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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