Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Hey guys! Today's post is special. You know I love shopping so much and I wanna share my shopping experince in my most favorite mall in Jakarta. Yes, it's Grand Indonesia! Why? Well, it's the perfect place to hang out with friends, even for a date or maybe you have a meeting with business client and of course for shopping.

Halo semuanya! Posting hari ini spesial. Aku kan suka banget belanja dan aku mau sharing pengalaman belanjaku di mall favoritku yang ada di Jakarta tentunya. Grand Indonesia (GI), sudah pada tahu kan, kenapa? Soalnya mall ini pas banget untuk jalan bareng teman-teman bahkan untuk nge-date atau meeting dengan partner bisnis dan tentu aja belanja.

I bought most of my fashion & beauty items, here at Grand Indonesia. Anyway, last Friday I went there with my mom and sister to enjoy 50% discount at Dorothy Perkins's store at Sky Bridge 1st Floor.

Sebagian besar dari barang-barang fashion & beauty yang aku punya itu belinya di GI. Nah, Jum'at lalu aku pergi dengan ibu dan adikku ke Dorothy Perkins di Sky Bridge lantai 1.

Finally, I bought this dress. The color is super nice and also love the fabric. The most important thing is the size. When it sale, Since I petite, I'm wearing no.6 so happy to get the right one.

Akhirnya aku beli dress ini. Warnanya bagus banget dan bahannya juga aku suka banget. Ynag paling penting size-nya, karena aku  petit jadi aku pakai no.6, seneng deh dapet yang pas.

As you can see there was a queue in the cashier. Actually, the store was so crowded. I think because of the 50% off SALE!

Seperti yang kamu lihat di kasirnya antri. Pada saat itu tokonya emang penuh banget, mungkin karena ada sale 50%.

Ok, now move to another store in Grand Indonesia. My mom decided to visit Fitflop. A brand of comfortable footwear from UK. 

Ok, sekarang lanjut ke toko lainnya di GI. Ibuku mampir ke Fitflop. Merek alas kaki yang nyaman dari Inggris.

You can find it at East Mall, level 3. They also have a special 20% discount, yay!

Kamu bisa menemukannya di East Mall, lantai 3. Pas banget mereka lagi sale 20%, yay!

Anyway, the fashion adviser was so funny and super help. My mom decide to buy a pair of her dream sandals. I've never know that she want Fitflop sandals that bad.

FA nya lucu dan baik banget. Akhirnya ibuku beli sepasang sandal impiannya. Aku gak tahu kalau ibuku suka sama Fitflop.

We're not over yet, the shopping atmosphere is just too strong at Grand Indonesia. I finally visit the biggest H&M store in South East Asia (ASEAN). Yes, it's in Grand Indoesia at East Mall UG & G floor.

Belum selesai nih belanjanya, soalnya kalau di GI bawaannya mau shopping terus. Akhirnya aku ke H&M yang katanya paling besar se-ASEAN ada nya di GI lho di lantai UG & G East Mall.

Ok, lemme take an OOTD selfie first :D

Ok, pertama-tama aku selfie dulu ya :D

It was so crowded at the store. I think everyone was so excited like me! Check out the video below.

Bener-bener crowded lho di dalamnya. Kayaknya semua orang pada excited mau belanja. jangan lupa lihat video di bawah ya.

See how long the queue is. The cashier was like 3 rows ahead. Anyway, the cashier was so nice. He told me a clear information about the exchange of items. So we can exchange it but not more than 3 days after purchased. And make sure it still in good condition with the price tag.

Lihat deh panjang antriannya sampe berbaris-baris. Kalau gak salah 3 baris sampai ke depan kasir deh. kasiernya baik banget lho, ramah dan dia jelasin juga cara penukaran barang. Jadi kamu bisa tukar yang kamu beli misalnya rusak, tapi gak boleh lebih dari 3 hari dan keadaannya juga harus masih ada price tag-nya.


So, I bought a maxi dress in leopard, a sweat shirt and an over knee socks. Anyway guys, there is a special promo for female shoppers from Grand Indonesia. Shop for min IDR 500K* & Get a chance to win Hong Kong Trip for 2!! Also there is a beauty corner at Level 3 East Mall. If you have GI card, there is weekend double points too! So what are you waiting for? Just go visit and shop at Grand Indonesia!

Jadi aku beli maxi dress motif leopard, kaos dan kaos kaki panjang di atas lutut. Nah, ada promo spesial untuk kamu yang belanja di GI. Cukup belanja minimal 500.000 rupiah*, bisa dapat kesempatan ke Honkong untuk 2 orang!! Ada juga beauty corner di level 3 East Mall. Kalau kamu punya GI card, ada double points juga pas weekend! Jadi, ayo belanja sekarang di GI!


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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