Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

I got a package from, one of my favourite online store which sell fashion & beauty stuffs. This time I got Aimei false eyelashes keep reading this post to know my opinion about this product.

Beberapa waktu yng lalu aku dapat kiriman paket dari Bornprettystore.comSalah satu toko online yang menjual makeup dan aksesoris fashion. Kali ini aku akan membahas salah satu produk bulu mata palsu, Aimei.

As you can see, the packaging is so cute, with pink peach colour and flowers on it. Inside it, there are 5 pairs of falsies without any glue. But, I don't mind. The design is almost perfect, with dark brown colour but it's a little bit longer for my eye's shape. So, I need to cut it up a little bit.

Dilihat dari kemasannya yang lucu dengan warna pinky peach dan gambar bunga siapa yang gak suka, hehe. Di dalamnya gak cuma ada sepasang bulu mata palsu, tapi ada 5 pasang sekaligus. Wah, seneng banget jadi punya banyak cadangan hehe. Sayangnya gak ada lem nya dan ukurannya terlalu panjang untuk mataku, jadi harus digunting sedikit di bagian ujungnya.

The Aimei eyelashes has a soft band and it does't feel heavy on my eyes. So, it's really comfy. I also like the design which is not thick, very natural is't it?

Bulumata Aimei ini lentur dan gak kaku di mata, gak terasa berat juga. Jadi nyaman dipakai. Aku juga suka design bulu mata yang helaian-nya panjang tapi tidak lebat. Jadi tetap terlihat natural di mata. Selain itu, warnanya dark brown lho.

If you're a falsies junky, you really need to check out They have a lot of falsies with affordable price of course. Special discount 10% code for you : HPB10

Kalau kamu berminat bisa cek di Harganya terjangkau kok, dan masih banyak pilihan bulu mata palsu lainnya di Pakai kupon diskon ini, dapatkan diskon 10% : HPB10

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored post.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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