Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Bosen copot pasang bulu mata palsu? Tapi pengin punya bulu mata panjang dan lentik mirip Kim K.? Cara gampangnya pasang eyelash extension. Nah, kebetulan Hari Minggu lalu aku coba treatment ini di  Tokyo Belle, Pacific Place. Tokyo Belle adalah beauty salon dari Jepang yang menyediakan jasa pemasangan eyelashes extension, IPL hair removal dan slimming treatment. Aku yang penasaran sama eyelashes exension akhirnya dapat kesempatan coba juga. Ada beberapa macam tipenya dan aku pilih yang SEXYBaca terus ya posting ini, untuk tahu hasilnya!

I was always wondering how it feel if I'm having a thick long eyelashes just like Kim K. I've been using lots false lashes and it sometimes makes my eyes tired. So, I decided to try eyelash extension. Thank God, I got a free voucher from Tokyo Belle. They also got IPL hair removal and slimming treatment. Anyway, make sure to read this post to see how SEXY the eyelash extension looks!

Pertama bagian bawah mata ditempel stiker untuk melindungi bagian bawah mata. Terus bulu mata dibersihkan dan diberi serum.

First, they put tape below my eyes then apply the eyelash serum.

Nah, baru mulai dipasang satu persatu helai bulu matanya. Anyway, aku ketiduran lho :D soalnya tempatnya walaupun kecil tapi nyaman, jadi rileks banget sampai ketiduran.

After that, they start to apply the eyelash one by one. Anyway, I was sleeping LOL
The room is small yet quite comfortable which is why I fell asleep during the treatment.

Setelah sekitar 1 jam proses pemasangan bulu mata selesai juga. Baru bisa buka mata pelan-pelan. Awalnya aku merasa agak perih, katanya itu karena uap dari lem bulu mata, tapi setelah dikeringkan lagi rasa perihnya hilang. Aku suka banget sama hasilnya, aku gak perlu pakai penjepit bulu mata atau maskara lagi. Tapi perlu diingat, kita gak boleh pakai eye makeup remover yang mengandung oil. Supaya, gak cepat rontok bulu mata nya, selain itu juga ketika mandi, gak boleh kena shower langsung bulu matanya. Rada ribet juga ya, hehe...

After about an hour I finally can open my eyes. I really love the result. It looks so pretty, right! I chose sexy type, because it's longer at the outside corner of my eyes, which I super like! Anyway, I can't use an oil base makeup remover on my eyes otherwise the eyelashes will fall out.

Untuk sekali treatment eyelashes extension, harganya Rp. 1000.000 - Rp. 1200.000 tergantung tipe dan tebalnya bulu mata. Aku coba yang SEXY (bulumata semakin panjang ke arah mata bagian luar, ukuran panjangnya 10mm - 12mm)Lumayan mahal ya, tapi ada PROMO lho, khusus bulan Mei diskon 20%. Treatment lainnya juga promo, cek website Tokyo Belle untuk lengkapnya.

It costs 1 million Rupiah which is about 76.03 USD, depend on how thick the eyelash. Me tried the Sexy type which has 10 mm - 12 mm long. I know, it's quite expensive. But this month Tokyo Belle has a special 20% discount. Also there are other promotions, go check out Tokyo Belle website.

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I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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