Imaginary Friend

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Bored with bold lipstick? I got this cute pinky sheer lipstick from PIXY, Silky Fit Lisptick Satin. I almost wear it everyday.

Bosen sama lipstick warna bold? Aku pribadi lebih suka lipstick yang warnanya soft yang bisa dipakai sehari-hari. Apalagi warna pink dan lembab mirip seperti lipbalm. Akhir-akhir ini aku suka pakai Silky Fit Lisptick Satin dari PIXY

I don't really like matte lipstick because it makes my lips dry during the day. Even I always apply lip balm before lipstick. That's why I like this lipstick. It has soft pink color which I super love. The texture is buttery and not sticky. It moisturizes my lips.

Aku kurang suak lipstik matte walaupun sekarang ini lagi booming banget ya. Kalau pakai lipstick matte, lama kelamaan bibirku jadi kering :(
Makanya aku suka pakai  lipstick dari PIXY ini. Warnanya soft pink yang cute, cocok dipakai sehari-hari tanpa terlihat berlebihan. Selain itu teksturnya yang seperti butter tidak lengket dan melembabkan bibir.

It doesn't long last but I don't mind. I love that it has Sweet Almond Oil & Vitamin E. See, it's good for maintaining your lips condition too.

Walaupun lipstick ini tidak tahan lama, jadi harus dibawa terus untuk touch up, aku gak keberatan. Soalnya selain bibir kelihatan cantik, juga sehat dengan kandungan Sweet Almond Oil & Vitamin E.

Almost forgot to mention the color name, it's so cute. This color called Puppy Love. I super recommend this lipstick to everyone. The price is affordable and it's pretty easy to get. Check out PIXY's site for more info. Have a nice weekend and thanks for reading!

Hampir lupa kasih tahu nama shade lisptick ini. Lucu deh, Puppy Love. Semua orang harus coba nih. Selain harganya yang murah, mudah juga didapat. Cek website PIXY untuk info lebih lanjut.

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I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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